Cigar Tobacco Leaves - Roll Your Own Cigars

Leaf Only Tobacco Leaf CigarsEver since tobacco was first discovered, people around the world have been smoking cigars. Whether by tying bundles of leaves together with twine, wrapping them in a corn husk, or rolling a modern double maduro, smoking cigars is an enjoyable pastime that has been popular throughout history.

If you are one of the large number of people that enjoys smoking fine cigars, then the next natural extension is most certainly to learn how to start rolling your OWN cigars. Not only does it make for a great hobby, but it also allows you to craft your own blends that are custom tailored to your personal palette. Rolling cigars takes time, practice and patience, as well as a eye for detail and an willingness to learn time honored techniques. However, once mastered, those that know how to roll cigars correctly can produce a very high quality smoke at far less than the cost of buying traditional cigars.

The equipment required for the making of cigars is relatively inexpensive and easily available through cigar shops and tobacco retailers. The most important supplies are the various tobacco leaves themselves, since these will form the taste of the cigars. Poor quality tobacco leaves will result in poor quality cigars, regardless of the skill of the roller, so it's important to make your selections from our high-quality cigar leaves.

Cigar Rolling Basics

To get started, views some videos on rolling your own cigars on youtube or in our Cigar Tobacco Leaf Resources section. Then browse our catalog of leaves and tools below. Use the categories sidebar to narrow your results.

Recent Articles About Cigar Tobacco

A Guide to Cigar Filler Leaves: Ligero, Viso, Seco, and Volado

A Guide to Cigar Filler Leaves: Ligero, Viso, Seco, and Volado

Discover the differences between Ligero, Viso, Seco, and Volado cigar filler leaves, and learn how these premium whole leaf tobaccos are used to craft the perfect cigar blend. Find out how they affect the strength, flavor, and burn quality of cigars, and why Leaf Only is your go-to source for premium whole leaf tobacco and cigar rolling supplies.

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Cigar Leaf For Sale

$44.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $14.99

Candela Leaf is an incredibly rare tobacco leaf, known primarily for its looks! The green color of this leaf is obtained by quickly harvesting, and speed-drying the crop at a high temperature. 

$49.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $15.99

Our Habano 2000 Seed Ecuadorian Shade is similar to our Connecticut Shade, but is a bit darker and thicker. Visually, it's almost like a cross between CT Shade and the CT Havanas.

$49.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $15.99

Our Habano 2000 Seed Ecuadorian Viso Shade Wrapper is similar to it's sister leaf, the Seco Shade Wrapper, but it is somewhat darker and thicker. Visually, it's almost like a cross between CT Shade and the 1DW Maduro.

$49.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $15.99

Our Habano 2000 Seed Ecuadorian Ligero Shade Wrapper is similar to its sister leaf, the Ecuadorian Seco and Viso Shade Wrapper, but it is much darker and thicker. Visually, it looks similar to our Mexican San Andres Wrapper, but as usual has its own Ecuadorian flavor.

$26.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Dark Fire Cured Tobacco Leaf is one of the darkest tobacco leaves offered at Leaf Only. The use of large fires to cure the tobacco leaves it with a pungent smoke-like smell and flavor. Although this leaf is traditionally used to make chewing tobacco, snuff, snus, and in pipe blends; some of our customers have enjoyed this leaf in a hookah blend, or as a roll-your-own fronto leaf, comparable to our Dark Air Cured Tobacco Leaf, despite it's strong smell and flavor.

$22.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Light Fire Cured (R) Tobacco Leaf can be described as a wonderful middle ground between the Dark Air Cured and Dark Fire Cured.

$29.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $8.49

Our Indonesian Bezuki Wrapper is a very thin, unique cigar wrapper with that classic Indonesian smell and taste. The flavor of an Indonesian leaf is usually something people either love, or dislike.

$52.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $15.99

This Nicaraguan grown CT Shade seed Leaf has a great tan color, and is velvety and thin, very similar to what you would expect in other high-quality CT Shade Tobacco. For the difference in price, it's a great option!

$39.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $9.49

Our 16 in Cameroon Wrapper tobacco leaves are mild, thin, and smooth. This variety is most similar to our Connecticut Shade in appearance and texture, but as with most leaves they have their own unique flavor.

$29.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Pennsylvania Wrapper is one of the many great tobacco leaves still grown in America. Some say that the PA Broadleaf Wrapper is only rivaled by the legendary Connecticut Broadleaf.

$26.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.99

Our Cameroon Binder tobacco leaves are mild, thin, and smooth. This variety is most similar to our Connecticut Shade in appearance and texture, but as with most leaves they have their own unique flavor.

$26.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $8.99

Our CT Broadleaf cigar binder is basically just Connecticut's grade for binder. It has a popular light tone, with a beautiful tan brown on the outside of the wrapper. The leaf is soft and darker on the inner side. 

$19.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.99

The Piloto Cubano Dominican Binder varies in color, but is generally a darker leaf with smooth to medium strength. This leaf is one of the most widely used cigar binders in the tobacco industry.

$29.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $8.99

Our Ecuadorian Binder is the binder quality version of the Ecuadorian Seco Shade Wrapper. Thin, yet elastic, this medium-dark brown/red binder leaf will share a flavor profile with other Ecuadorian grown leaf, and provide an easy to use, high quality binder leaf for rolling Premium Cigars or fronto! 

$18.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.99

Our Pennsylvania Binder Tobacco Leaf was grown on USA soil, but sent to the Domincan to be darkened and sorted. The tropical environment of the Dominican adds a beautiful dark color to this leaf that is comparable only to our Pennsylvania Oscuro.

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Dominican Piloto Cubano Ligero long fillers are aged to perfection. Thicker and darker colored leaves make for a stronger, more robust smoke and make for strong flavor in a cigar. 

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Dominican Ligero Long Filler is a premium cigar filler that is used to make many hand-rolled premium cigars. Being a leaf from the last priming, our Aged Criollo 98 Dominican Ligero tobacco leaf is thicker and stronger than the seco tobacco leaf.


$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

 Our Aged Dominican Olor Seco long fillers are aged to perfection. Being thinner and coming from lower on the plant, the seco is what provides smooth burning qualities to your premium cigars.

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

 Our Aged Dominican Olor Ligero long fillers are aged to perfection. Thicker and darker colored leaves make for a stronger, more robust smoke and make for strong flavor in a cigar. 


$25.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Since Nicaragua's soil and climate are just so, the Criollo 98 grown Aged Nicaraguan Ligero Long Filler offers a distinct flavor and a certain "kick" that many cigar smokers know and love. This variety was grown in the Esteli region of Nicaragua. 

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Nicaraguan Seco Long Filler is a premium cigar filler that is used in many hand-rolled premium cigars. Being a leaf from the fourth or fifth priming, this Seco tobacco leaf is thinner than its ligero tobacco leaf counterpart, yet grown from the same Criollo 98 seed. This leaf also comes from the region of Jalapa.

$25.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Nicaraguan Viso Long Filler is a premium cigar filler that is used in many hand-rolled premium cigars. Being a leaf from the middle priming, our Nicaraguan Viso tobacco leaf is thinner than its ligero tobacco leaf counterpart, but thicker than the seco. Like the rest of our Nicaraguan leaves, this leaf is also grown from the Criollo 98 seed and comes from the region of Jalapa.

$25.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Since Nicaragua's soil and climate are just so, the Criollo 98 grown Aged Nicaraguan Ligero Long Filler offers a distinct flavor and a certain "kick" that many cigar smokers know and love. This variety was grown in the Jalapa region of Nicaragua. 

$25.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Nicaraguan Seco Long Filler is a premium cigar filler that is used in many hand-rolled premium cigars. Being a leaf from the fourth or fifth priming, this Seco tobacco leaf is thinner than its ligero tobacco leaf counterpart, yet grown from the same Criollo 98 seed. This leaf comes from the region of Condega.

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

The Aged Pennsylvania Broadleaf Seco Cigar Filler is one of the largest filler leaves we carry. This leaf is slightly lighter than its Viso counterpart and accounts for the majority of most cigar filler blends. The PA Seco is considered a fairly mild cigar filler with a smooth American flavor.

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

The Aged Pennsylvania Viso Cigar Filler is one of the largest filler leaves we carry. The PA Viso is considered a fairly mild cigar filler with a smooth American flavor, but is slightly stronger than the seco and has more body.

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $8.99

Our Aged Cameroon Seco tobacco leaves are mild, thin, and smooth. Similar to our Dominican Seco in appearance and texture, but as with most leaves it has its own unique flavor. 

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Dominican Seco Long Filler is a premium cigar filler that is used in many hand-rolled premium cigar factories. Being a leaf from the fourth or fifth priming, our Criollo 98 Dominican Seco tobacco leaf is thinner than the ligero tobacco leaf.


$25.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Since Nicaragua's soil and climate are just so, the Criollo 98 grown Aged Nicaraguan Ligero Long Filler offers a distinct flavor and a certain "kick" that many cigar smokers know and love. This variety was grown in the Condega region of Nicaragua. 

$25.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Nicaraguan Seco Long Filler is a premium cigar filler that is used in many hand-rolled premium cigars. Being a leaf from the fourth or fifth priming, this Seco tobacco leaf is thinner than its ligero tobacco leaf counterpart, yet grown from the same Criollo 98 seed. This leaf comes from the region of Esteli.

$17.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.99

An assorted mix of cigar binder quality leaves from all countries and origins.

$9.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $3.49

A mix of our low grade consitency Fronto and Grabba leaves including QB-52, Dark Air Cured, and others!

$7.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $2.99

A mixture of low grade consistency leaves from the Connecticut Broadleaf plant, includes a mixture of 1LS, 2Ls, MED and 1DW. 

$9.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $2.99

A mixture of Cigar Filler Leaf from all countires of origin. 

$7.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $2.99

A mix of all low grade consitency leaves. Can contain low grades from all leaf varieties.

$8.99 | 1lb Bulk Cigar Glue: $47.99

Cigar Glue made from Gum Arabic for use in rolling or repairing cigars. 

$15.99 | 1lb Bulk Cigar Glue: $47.99

Cigar Glue made from Gum Arabic for use in rolling or repairing cigars. 

$27.99 | 1lb Bulk Cigar Glue: $47.99

Cigar Glue made from Gum Arabic for use in rolling or repairing cigars. 

$8.99 | 1lb Bulk Cigar Glue: $47.99

Cigar Glue made from No-Acid Fruit Pectin for use in rolling or repairing cigars. 

$15.99 | 1lb Bulk Cigar Glue: $47.99

Cigar Glue made from No-Acid Fruit Pectin for use in rolling or repairing cigars. 

$27.99 | 1lb Bulk Cigar Glue: $47.99

Cigar Glue made from No-Acid Fruit Pectin for use in rolling or repairing cigars. 

$9.99 | 1lb Bulk Cigar Glue: $49.99

Professional Quality Cigar Glue made from Bermocoll for use in rolling or repairing cigars. 

$17.99 | 1lb Bulk Cigar Glue: $49.99

Professional Quality Cigar Glue made from Bermocoll for use in rolling or repairing cigars. 

$29.99 | 1lb Bulk Cigar Glue: $49.99

Professional Quality Cigar Glue made from Bermocoll for use in rolling or repairing cigars. 


New and Improved - Everything you need to get started rolling your own premium cigars in a simple, easy to use, low cost kit!

Includes an instructional DVD, 4 basic cigar making tools, and enough tobacco to roll about 10 cigars.


Wrapper: 1/2 LB Nicaraguan CT Shade
Binder: 1/2 LB Pennsylvania Binder
Filler: 1LB Aged Nicaraguan Seco


Wrapper: 1 LB Nicaraguan CT Shade
Binder: 1 LB Pennsylvania Binder
Filler: 3 LBs Aged Nicaraguan Seco

Medium Combo - 2 Lbs

Wrapper: 1/2 LB Pennsylvania Oscuro Wrapper
Binder: 1/2 LB Pennsylvania Binder
Filler: 1/2 LB Aged Dominican Ligero, 1/2 LB Aged Nicaraguan Seco

Medium Combo - 5 Lbs

Wrapper: 1 LB Pennsylvania Oscuro Wrapper
Binder: 1 LB Pennsylvania Binder
Filler: 1.5 LBs Aged Dominican Seco, 1.5 LBs Aged Nicaraguan Ligero

Bold Combo - 2 Lbs

Wrapper: 1/2 LB PA Oscuro Wrapper
Binder: 1/2 LB Pennsylvania Binder
Filler: 1/2 LB Aged Nicaraguan Ligero, 1/2 LB Aged Nicaraguan Seco

Bold Combo - 5 Lbs

Wrapper: 1 LB PA Oscuro Wrapper
Binder: 1 LB Pennsylvania Binder
Filler: 1.5 LBs Aged Nicaraguan Ligero, 1.5 LBs Aged Nicaraguan Seco


Wrapper: 1/2 LB Pennsylvania Oscuro

Binder: 1/2 LB Pennsylvania Binder

Filler: 1 LB Pennsylvania Viso


Wrapper: 1 LB Pennsylvania Wrapper

Binder: 1 LB Pennsylvania Binder

Filler: 3 LB Pennsylvania Viso


Wrapper: 1/2 LB San Andreas Wrapper

Binder: 1/2 LB Nicaraguan Binder

Filler: 1/2 LB Honduran Viso, 1/2 LB Honduran Seco


Wrapper: 1 LB San Andreas Wrapper

Binder: 1 LB Nicaraguan Binder

Filler: 1 1/2 LB Honduran Viso, 1 1/2 LB Honduran Seco



Wrapper: 1/2 LB Ecuadorian Shade

Binder: 1/2 LB Indonesian Besuki

Filler: 1/2 LB Aged Nicaraguan Ligero, 1/2 LB Aged Nicaraguan Seco


Wrapper: 1 LB Ecuadorian Shade

Binder: 1 LB Indonesian Besuki

Filler: 1.5 LB Aged Nicaraguan Ligero, 1.5 LB Aged Nicaraguan Seco


Wrapper: 1 LB Dark Fire Cured Wrapper
Binder: 1 LB CT 2LS Broadleaf (Binder)
Filler: 3/4 LB Dark Fire Cured, 2.25 LBs Aged Dominican Ligero Criollo 98


Wrapper: 1/2LB Arapiraca Wrapper

Binder/Filler: 1/2LB Habano Viso

Filler: 1 LB Arapiraca Filler 


Wrapper: 1 1/4 LBS Arapiraca Wrapper

Binder/Filler: 1 1/2 LBS Habano Viso

Filler: 2 1/2 LBS Arapiraca Filler 


Wrapper: 1/2LB Mata Fina Wrapper

Binder/Filler: 1/2LB Habano Viso

Filler: 1lb Cubra Seco 


Wrapper: 1 1/4 LBS Mata Fina Wrapper

Binder/Filler: 1 1/2 LBS Habano Viso

Filler: 2 1/2 LBS Cubra Seco 


Wrapper: 1/4 LB CT Broadleaf Wrapper, 1/4 LB Premium Shade
Binder: 1/2 LB CT 2LS Broadleaf (Binder)
Filler: 1 LB CT Filler (Aged)


Wrapper: 1/2 LB CT Broadleaf Wrapper, 1/2 LB Premium Shade
Binder: 1 LB CT 2LS Broadleaf (Binder)
Filler: 3 LBs CT Filler (Aged)


Wrapper: 1/2 LB Brazilian Mata Fina

Binder: 1/2 LB Brazilian Habano Viso

Filler: 1 LB Colombian Seco


Wrapper: 1.25 LBS Brazilian Mata Fina

Binder: 1.25 LBS Brazilian Habano Viso 

Filler: 2.50 LBS Colombian Seco 


Created by Leaf Only's Cigar Maestro, this blend is designed to be an incredibly unique, yet flavorful blend.


1/2 LB Ecuadorian Seco Shade


1/2 Ecuadorian Binder


1/2 LB Colombian Seco, 1/2 LB Dominican Seco Piloto Cubano, 1/8 LB Dark Fire Cured


Created by Leaf Only's Cigar Maestro, this blend is designed to be an incredibly unique, yet flavorful blend.


1 LB Ecuadorian Shade Wrapper


1 LB Ecuadorian Binder


1.25 LBS Dominican Seco 1.25 LBS Colombian Seco 0.5 LBS Dark Fire Cured


A Cigar Tuck Cutter for cutting finished ends on hand rolled cigars to a perfect length.


Made in-house, this ~30 minute DVD Video is a full breakdown of how to roll a cigar from start to finish, using our Cigar Rolling Starter Kit.


The Mr. Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier uses a piezo-electric device to produce an extremely fine, smoke like mist. that can be used in a variety of applications and settings. Best suited for larger rooms. Comes with included humidistat controller.


The Mr. Mist Ultrasonic Humidifier uses a piezo-electric device to produce an extremely fine, smoke like mist. that can be used in a variety of applications and settings. Best suited for larger rooms. Comes with included humidistat controller.


Cigar Mold Press for producing cigar factory quality cigars 


Our new Leiberman style Cigar Roller.


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 

$59.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $17.99

The Connecticut Broadleaf Wrapper has a beautiful tan-brown color on the outside of the wrapper, and has a soft, darker inner side. This leaf is identical to the 2LS, but is classified as a higher grade because of the quality and consistency of this variety.


$59.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $17.99

The CT Broadleaf Oscuro Wrapper is the darkest CT Broadleaf Wrapper we have ever carried.

Similar to our classic 1DW Maduro Wrapper, this leafs dark tones work well for finishing dark Maduro/Oscuro cigars. 

$44.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $15.99

This Ecuadorian grown CT Shade seed Leaf has a great tan color, and is velvety and thin, very similar to what you would expect in other high-quality CT Shade Tobacco. For the difference in price, it's a great option!


The Triton T3R is one of the strongest digital scales on the market, as well as one of the best selling models made by MyWeigh. This upgraded version features a rechargeale battery that provides 40 hours of continuous use when charged. 

$39.99 / lb

Our CT Shade Leaf has a great earth brown / tan color, and is velvety and thin, which is what is to be expected in high quality Shade Tobacco. Carries a fresh, yet earthy tone musk with a top note of spice. When moistened, it is a very thin and pliable leaf.


A machine cut and sharpened Chaveta knife, used by many professional cigar rollers.

$29.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Ungraded CT Broadleaf is a quite popular and darker than expected cigar Tobacco. This is the broadleaf tobacco used on many premium CT Maduro and Natural cigars. If you are looking for a dark broadleaf cigar and don't mind a slightly larger leaf, this is the right tobacco leaf for you!. This tobacco is Ungraded so you will recieve tobacco that can be used as Wrapper, Binder, and Filler.

$29.99 / lb

This Nicaraguan grown CT Shade seed Leaf has a great tan color, and is velvety and thin, very similar to what you would expect in other high-quality CT Shade Tobacco. For the difference in price, it's a great option!

$25.99 / lb

Our Aged Nicaraguan Viso Long Filler is a premium cigar filler that is used in many hand-rolled premium cigars. Being a leaf from the third or fourth priming, this viso tobacco leaf is thicker than its seco tobacco leaf counterpart, yet grown from the same Criollo 98 seed. This leaf comes from the region of Condega.

$25.99 / lb

Our Aged Nicaraguan Viso Long Filler is a premium cigar filler that is used in many hand-rolled premium cigars. Being a leaf from the fourth or fifth priming, this Viso tobacco leaf is thinner than its ligero tobacco leaf counterpart, yet grown from the same Criollo 98 seed. This leaf comes from the region of Esteli.

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

The QB-52 Fronto Leaf Wrapper is yet another extremely popular variety of fronto leaf that is primarily sold by the leaf at city convenience stores and specialty shops. This variety of fronto leaf is of high, wrapper leaf quality, with a slightly lighter color and thickness compared to our Fronto / Dark Air Cured Tobacco Leaf. This leaf has been aged longer than the regular QB-52 Fronto Wrapper, to make it darker. This can cause parts of the leaf to be black from the process. This is something special we have been doing at Leaf Only to give our customers even more options.

$24.99 / lb

The Aged Ecuadorian Ligero Cigar Filler is grown from the same Habano 2000 seed our Ecuadorian Shade Wrappers are grown from, however this is the filler grade of this leaf. 

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

The Aged Pennsylvania Ligero Cigar Filler is one of the largest filler leaves we carry. The PA Ligero is considered a fairly mild cigar filler with a smooth American flavor, but is slightly stronger than the seco and has more body.


Our Cigar Ring Gauge Guides are made out of long-lasting, high quality acrylic plastic. They will not rust or rot, and are strong enough to handle the abuses of every day cigar measurement. 


A crescent blade specifically designed for use in making cigars, with an added wooden handle and stand for a more Modern Chaveta Knife. 


4 Piece Copper Cigar Capping tool set for creating perfect caps for your handmade cigars.


Handmade Wooden Cigar Mold with two slots for cigars. A starting version of our full sized Cigar Molds. 


Clampable Portable Ashtray for those on the go. 


Extremely Potent half hardy annual that grows to about 3 ft. and is cultivated worldwide for smoking and nicotine production, but also works great for pesticides. This plant has many green to yellow flowers that remain open during the day and be can raised as far north as Maine. It is a fast grower and is so potent that it has been used as an arrow poison in Mexico!


Medium, smooth leaf that cures to a dark brown. Can be used as a chew, binder, filler or wrapper or even in cigarette/pipe blends. It grows 5' to 6' tall with blooming occurring at 55-65 days. It produces 16-18 harvestable leaves averaging 14"-16" wide and 24" long which ripen 2-3 weeks after booming begins. Can be fire cured or air cured depending on application.


A fast growing, high yielding tobacco with large leaves that cure to a deep red color, excellent cigarette and pipe blend, but suitable for other applications as well.


This is a deep dark tobacco that gives good weight and supports itself very well. This is a tobacco prized by specialty growers because it provides a great wrapper tobacco or a premium snuff tobacco when ripe. A good tobacco for beginners learning to roll their own cigars or for first time snuff makers.


The Connecticut Valley is a major source of some of the world's finest wrapper leaves. This golden colored wrapper tobacco is highly regarded and praised by many cigar makers and connoisseurs. Connecticut Shade originated from a strain of Cuban seed, is shade-grown under huge tents of cheesecloth or greenhouse shade netting to protect the delicate leaf.


This is a wonderful tobacco leaf for cigars, making a good filler and binder that imparts a deep, rich flavor to cigars. Leaves are darker, long and narrow, and offer a good high yield harvest.


Besides shade leaf, Connecticut offers wonderful dark cigar leaves as well. CT broadleaf makes for wonderful wrapper, binder, and filler, and produces a soft chocolatey brown leaf after curing.


Cuban Criollo 98 is one of the most valued strains for Cuban cigars. It originated from a crossing between the varieties ' Havana 92' and `Habana P.R'. Cultivated in the sun it produces from 14 to 16 useful leaves per plant and makes an excellent binder. It reaches an average height of 6 feet. Leaves average 24 inches in length and 12 inches wide. 


Habano 2000 is derived from a crossing between the variety Corojo and a non commercial variety of Cuban dark tobacco, the Habano 2.1.1. Grown in direct sun it reaches an average height of 6 feet with 14-16 leaves per plant. In very rich soils it can develop up to 18 leaves per plant. Sun grown plants are often used as a binder or filler. Grown under a shade cloths, Habano 2000 makes an excellent wrapper.


Small 8 gram Humidification packs, perfect for herbal medicine or small homerolled cigars. 


Native to East Java, Indonesia, Besuki (or Bezuki) tobacco is revered in a class of its own in the premium cigar market. This mild yet flavorful cigar tobacco produces both wrapper and filler, and is used in many premium cigar blends. This plant matures in about 65 days. 


This high nicotine variety of Mexican tobacco comes from a region near Camposotela called Valle Banderas. This short growing plant reaches maturity quickly in around 45 days, and has large leaves, similar in size to many American grown varieties of tobacco. Because of its short grow time and size, this plant only produces around 15-18 leaves per plant at harvest


Small 8 gram Humidification packs, perfect for travel humidors or fronto packs. 


Large 67 gram Humidification packs, perfect for herbal medicine or tobacco. 


Large 60 gram Humidification packs, perfect for full size humidors and small-medium whole leaf bags.


A pack of 5 individual Water Pillows portable humidifying pouches. 

$86.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $24.99

Our CT Shade Leaf has a great earth brown / tan color, and is velvety and thin, which is what is to be expected in high quality Shade Tobacco. Carries a fresh, yet earthy tone musk with a top note of spice. When moistened, it is a very thin and pliable leaf.

$89.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $22.99

Our CT Shade Leaf has a great earth brown / tan color, and is velvety and thin, which is what is to be expected in high quality Shade Tobacco. Carries a fresh, yet earthy tone musk with a top note of spice. When moistened, it is a very thin and pliable leaf.

$79.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $20.99

Our CT Shade Leaf has a great earth brown / tan color, and is velvety and thin, which is what is to be expected in high quality Shade Tobacco. Carries a fresh, yet earthy tone musk with a top note of spice. When moistened, it is a very thin and pliable leaf.

$49.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $14.99

Our Arapiraca Brazilian Wrapper is a dark, flavorful leaf known for its bold, earthy aroma and rich complexity. Grown in the Alagoas region of Brazil, it offers a smooth, medium-to-full-bodied profile that enhances any cigar blend with its natural sweetness and depth.

$52.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $14.99

Our Brazilian Mata Fina Wrapper is a dark, flavorful leaf known for its smooth, balanced aroma and rich complexity. Grown in the Bahia region of Brazil, it offers a medium-bodied profile with natural sweetness, subtle spice, and earthy notes, making it a highly prized wrapper that enhances any cigar blend with finesse and depth.

$49.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $14.99

Our Brazilian Cubra Wrapper, also referred to as the Brazilian Habano Viso Wrapper, is medium to dark in color but not too thick. This wrapper is reminiscent of our Brazilian Habano Viso as it is a wrapper sorted quality of the same seed.

$54.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $16.99

Our Ecuadorian Corojo is grown in the Quevedo region of Ecuador. It is grown from Corojo seed similar to the Habano 2000 but grown and picked in a way to enhance its strength. This wrapper is dark chocolate brown in color and offers an aromatic taste. 

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Light Fire Cured Tobacco Leaf can be described as a wonderful middle ground between the Dark Air Cured and Dark Fire Cured.

$35.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $11.49

Our Aged Honduran Conerico Wrappers are medium in body and aroma. This Seco Wrapper is medium Tawny brown in color with veins thin for a nice aesthetic finish, but a leaf thick enough to easily wrap with.

$36.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $11.99

Our Aged Honduran Conerico Wrappers are medium in body and aroma. This Viso Wrapper is medium Umber brown in color with veins thin for a nice aesthetic finish, but a leaf thick enough to easily wrap with.

$49.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $15.99

After many requests and years of searching, Leaf Only now carries the extremely popular Mexican San Andres cigar wrapper leaf. With its beautiful dark look and sheen, this leaf easily earns its way into a top tier position amongst the other high-end wrappers we carry!

$39.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $12.99

Our Nicaraguan Wrapper is medium brown cigar wrapper leaf leaf that is used in many different premium cigars. Similar to other Central American wrappers, but with the distinct Nicaraguan scent and strength.

Pennsylvania Oscuro Wrapper
$26.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

The PA Oscuro Wrapper is a beautiful dark chocolate wrapper leaf grown in Pennsylvania, USA. This variety of tobacco leaf is of high, wrapper leaf quality, with a slightly thinner composition than our CT 1DW / Maduro, but is similar in color.

Colombian Binder LOW STOCK
$19.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.49

Our Colombian Binder tobacco leaves are robust, but surprisingly quite mild-smelling - similar to unroasted coffee beans. 

Honduran Binder LOW STOCK
$22.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.99

Our Honduran Binder Tobacco Leaf is medium to bold in taste. Since Honduras borders Nicaragua, you would think that the leaves would be similar, but as always, the slightest difference in climate and growing methods always offer a unique tobacco leaf experience!

$18.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.99

Our Arapiraca Brazilian Filler is a dark, flavorful leaf known for its bold, earthy aroma and rich complexity. Grown in the Alagoas region of Brazil, it offers a smooth, medium-to-full-bodied profile that enhances any cigar blend with its natural sweetness and depth.

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $8.49

This leaf is dark in color, yet not overly thick. While slightly reminiscent of other Brazilian leaf, these leaves are smaller and tend to have a slightly spicy taste. 

$19.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.49

Our Aged Colombian Seco Tobacco Leaves are robust, but surprisingly quite mild-smelling - similar to unroasted coffee beans. 

$23.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Dominican Volado Long Filler is another premium cigar filler that is used in many premium cigar blends. Being a leaf from the first few primings, our Piloto Cubano Dominican Volado tobacco leaves are thinner and smoother than the Dominican Seco and Dominican Ligero tobacco leaves.

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Dominican Piloto Cubano Seco long fillers are aged to perfection. Being thinner and coming from lower on the plant, the seco is what provides smooth burning qualities to your premium cigars.

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

The Aged Ecuadorian Seco Cigar Filler is grown from the same Habano 2000 seed our Ecuadorian Shade Wrappers are grown from, however this is the filler grade of this leaf. 

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

The Aged Ecuadorian Seco Cigar Filler is grown from the same Habano 2000 seed our Ecuadorian Shade Wrappers are grown from, however this is the filler grade of this leaf. 

$20.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Honduran Seco Tobacco Leaves are medium to bold. Since Honduras borders Nicaragua, you would think that the leaves would be similar, but as always, the slightest difference in climate and growing methods always offer a unique tobacco leaf experience!

$20.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Honduran Viso Tobacco Leaves are medium to bold. Since Honduras borders Nicaragua, you would think that the leaves would be similar, but as always, the slightest difference in climate and growing methods always offer a unique tobacco leaf experience!

$20.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Honduran Ligero Filler Tobacco leaves carry a unique, bold taste. Since Honduras borders Nicaragua, you would think that the leaves would be similar, but as always, the slightest difference in climate and growing methods always offer a unique tobacco leaf experience!

$19.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.99

Our Aged Indonesian Sumatra Long Filler is a very unique, sweet / spicy cigar filler that is used in many premium cigar blends. 

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our San Andres Filler is a chocolate brown, Peppery and sweet cigar filler produced in Mexico’s San Andres Valley. This leaf is the filler quality of our popular San Andres Wrapper.

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Our Aged Nicaraguan Seco Long Filler is a premium cigar filler that is used in many hand-rolled premium cigars. Being a leaf from the fourth or fifth priming, this Seco tobacco leaf is thinner than its ligero tobacco leaf counterpart, yet grown from the same Criollo 98 seed. This leaf comes from the region of Ometepe.

$22.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

An incredibly rare tobacco, this Ligero Cigar Filler from Paraguay has a unique flavor unlike any other, even other South American tobaccos. A dark, red-brown leaf, this tobacco comes frog-legged like many other long fillers, although this leaf is much longer, and thinner than other fillers of this type. 

$22.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

Since Nicaragua's soil and climate are just so, the Criollo 98 grown Aged Nicaraguan Ligero Long Filler offers a distinct flavor and a certain "kick" that many cigar smokers know and love. This variety was grown in the Ometepe region of Nicaragua. 

$24.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $8.49

Our Nicaraguan Binder is a high grade cigar binder leaf that is used in many different premium cigars. Similar to the domincan binder, but with the distinct Nicaraguan scent and strength. This leaf is grown from the Criollo 98 seed. 

$17.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.49

The Aged Connecticut Broadleaf is an inexpensive, robust filler leaf. Enjoy Connecticut flavor without paying Connecticut prices!

Low Grade Shade Leaf
$17.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.99

Our Shade Leaf is velvety and thin, which is what is to be expected in high quality Shade Tobacco, but in a lower cost, mixed, low grade consistency. Carries a fresh, yet earthy tone musk with a top note of spice.  When moistened, it is a very thin and pliable leaf. 


Wrapper: 1/2 LB Dark Fire Cured Wrapper
Binder: 1/2 LB CT 2LS Broadleaf (Binder)
Filler: 1/4 LB Dark Fire Cured, 3/4 LB Aged Dominican Ligero Criollo 98


Press style Toro Gordo Cigar Mold made out of high quality plastic. 


Replacement cutting blades for the Cigar Tuck Cutter.


Hand Bunch Rolling Machine, also known as a Liebermann machine. 


Factory Used Cigar Tuck Cutter. Cut cigars at your perfect desired length every time like a pro!

Wagner 915 On-Demand Steamer

The 915 Power Steamer is a pressurized steam system that supplies steam at the touch of a button. This product steams and conditions large amounts of tobacco leaf with ease.


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plastic. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Lonsdale / Corona Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 


Press style Cigar Mold made out of high quality plasitc. 

$29.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $7.99

This grade of CT Fronto is grown from a havana seed. This leaf's consistency and quality is still comparable to the CT Fronto Leaf (M-27), but the Havana seed gives it a slightly different flavor profile and generally produces smaller leaves.

Traditional Chaveta Knife

A Traditional hand sharpened Chaveta knife, used by cigar rollers.

Plastic Spray Bottle

Dual Action Spray Bottle - Stream or Spray to moisten and hydrate your favorite whole leaf tobacco with ease. 

$1.99 | Pack of 5: $8.99

Handmade in America!


Made from natural Kiln Baked Terracotta. After moisturized, this leaf shaped Hydrostone  will keep your tobacco fresh for weeks.