Misc Tobacco Leaves By The Pound

$18.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $5.99

Nicotiana Rustica, sometimes known as Wild Tobacco, thuoc lao, mapacho and other regional names, is an incredibly strong variety of whole leaf tobacco with up to 9x more nicotine then other varieties of whole leaf tobacco. 


$18.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $6.99

Our 2019 USA Virginia Flue Cured Tobacco is a more robust, full flavored tobacco leaf. This leaf arrives with your standard cigarette tobacco smell and produces a smoke similar to a Red Marlboro. This crop is similar to our American Virginia Flue Cured 2018 crop in body and flavor. 

$19.99 / lb | ¼ lb Sample: $5.99

An aromatic leaf that can be used to add uniqueness to any mild-medium blend. It has a wonderfully smooth smoke, and adds a slight spice and floral flavor to your blend.

These leaves are very small and compact.