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Wagner 915 On-Demand Steamer

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The 915 Power Steamer is a pressurized steam system that supplies steam at the touch of a button. This product steams and conditions large amounts of tobacco leaf with ease.

 **Cleaning the machine is reccommened prior to use on tobacco leaf**

Wagner 915 On-Demand Steamer is a tobacco accessory that is often used to make your own fronto leaf. In addition to being a top choice for fronto tobacco leaf, Wagner 915 On-Demand Steamer can also be used for the following applications:


The 915 On-Demand Power steamer is a pressurized steam system that we currently use in our warehouse to moisturize larger amounts of tobacco prior to packaging or shipping. Although we do recommend cleaning the product prior use, this product does prove to be an incredibly useful tool when working with bulk amounts of tobacco leaf. 

Fill container with with 1:1 ratio of White Vinegar and Water, and run machine (until container empty) with this solution until the 'new machine smell' is no longer present in the steam produced by the unit. 

What Fronto Customers Are Saying About Leaf Only

"A quick note to thank you for excellent service. I ordered Monday and got it on Thursday. Arrived in perfect condition and the leaf looks EXCELLENT!! Your commitment to carry a wide selection of good quality leaf and deliver it properly is exemplary. Thank you and keep up the good work!! "

- Don, FL

To learn more about Leaf Only, visit the About Us page. If there is a particular tobacco leaf that you do not see on our website, please Contact Us. There is a good chance we can find the leaf you are looking for!

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