We've put Premier's tubes to the test and they perform even better than expected.
With plenty of broken or torn tubes using shredded leaf tobacco and our Powermatic 2s, we were pleasantly surprised by Premier's tubes. They work excellent with our whole leaf tobacco and the Powermatic series injectors. Premier's 100 length tubes also have 2 part filters, making the removal of extra filter easy.
Why buy tubes elsewhere when they can arrive safely in your package of whole leaf tobacco and other accessories?
"I'm working on some people I know they say it not like a regular cigarette .and I tell them THANK GOODNESS no it's not .It's clean fresh tobacco it's not drowned in chemical production. Go around someone who smokes the same store bought cigarettes you were smoking.I'm sure you'll say I can believe I smoked those things they stink then smoke one it'll really turn your stomach. not only is a better way to smoke its cheaper. But I my self of my own opinion believe that if you are going to smoke smoking tobacco that is not chemically threated or enhanced has got to be a better choice in the long run. Thanks leaf only for giving folks like me that option
- Darrell, TX
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