Connecticut Broadleaf Cigar Wrapper - MED
  • Connecticut Broadleaf Cigar Wrapper - MED
  • Connecticut Broadleaf Cigar Wrapper - MED

Medium Dark Cigar Retired / Suspended Thick Cigar Retired / Suspended
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CT MED Broadleaf Wrapper for Cigar

Approximate Leaf Dimensions: 28in x 12in
Approximate Leaves Per Pound: 25

$29.99 / lb
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Our Medium CT broadleaf is quite popular, darker than expected, and much more like our 1DW Maduro in texture, but just slightly thinner and much larger.


If you are looking for a Maduro and don't mind a larger leaf, this is the right tobacco leaf for you. Moderate vein size but they roll out easily.

The MED Connecticut Broad Leaf Wrapper is taken from the middle of the CT broadleaf plant, so as expected, it's profile is right in between the CT 1LS and the CT 1DW Maduro.

Every year, containers of this leaf, as well as other premium wrapper grades such as the 1LS and Maduro are shipped to premium cigar manufacturers in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Many name-brand cigars use this leaf regularly, and for good reason! It's large, easy to work with, and grown in CONNECTICUT!

What Customers Are Saying About Leaf Only

"As a First Nation native I use your products for ceremonial purposes and am greatly appreciative of the quality of the product."

- Greg, ON Canada

Want to know more about Leaf Only? Visit our About Us page. If you're looking for a specific tobacco leaf that you can't find on our website, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We have access to a much wider range of tobacco leaf varieties than we can list online.

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