In most cases, this means that we have completely sold out of the item and have no means of re-stocking. Rarely, we re-activate retired items if we can find a source, but in most cases this item is kept on our website as a historical reference.
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Grown in Kasturi, East Java, Indonesia, this leaf is primarily used to produce local Kretek (clove) cigarettes.
This leaf has a very unique, almost spice-like smell. It's no wonder that they are primarily used in clove cigarette blends. This leaf is nothing like the Bezuki or Sumatra.
Known as the "early crop", the Indonesian Kasturi leaf is sun cured. The quality of this leaf in terms of wrapper condition is very poor. Some leaves without much damage can be found, but not many. This makes it a perfect leaf for the clove cigarette blends it is very commonly used in.
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WOW. This leaf is... interesting to say the least. I've never tasted anything quite like it that I don't even know how to describe it. The leaf is very thick and gummy and the appearance if very blotchy as you can see in the photos. It is very pungent and the flavor is very strong and spicy. Use sparingly as a condiment leaf. Personally, when tasting it by itself to figure out how to use it, it basically demolished my taste buds for a couple days and made everything taste a little weird. For use in cigars the leaf is only going to be good for filler. As mentioned above, use sparingly. I haven't tried blending with it yet but using with something sweet should compliment well to make some very unique flavors that you've probably never had in a cigar before. For pipes this would probably pair well with stoved virginias and latakia to give a bit of a punch to the blend. I'll report back once I have move exposure to this leaf. Curious to see if it ages well to knock some of the edge off.