Our Light Fire Cured Tobacco Leaf can be described as a wonderful middle ground between the Dark Air Cured and Dark Fire Cured.
This leaf is a dark leaf that comes with a lower-strength smoky aroma and smell that the fire cured tobacco leaf is famous for. Although this leaf is traditionally used to make chewing tobacco, snuff, snus, and in pipe blends; some of our customers have enjoyed this leaf in a cigarette or hookah blend, or as a roll-your-own fronto leaf, comparable to our Dark Air Cured Tobacco Leaf, despite it's mild smoked smell and flavor.
Our Light Fire Cured Tobacco Leaf arrives with a very mild, smoky scent that is comparable to our Dark Fire Cured leaf, but much less potent.
This particular leaf is of VERY good quality, with minimal damage. This is not typical of Dark Air, or Dark Fire Cured grades. Allow up to 20% per pound of waste.
Light Fire Cured Tobacco Leaves are typically grown in TN, KY, VA and MD, USA. This leaf is also known as "Virginia Fired Cured", or "Virginia Tobacco", even though it is not even close to being the more common "Virginia Flue Cured" leaf.
These Light Fire Cured leaves are very thick, easy to handle, rubbery, and very large. They have a medium dark brown color, similar to that of the Dark Air Cured leaves we offer, but seems a bit more fresh and pliable due to its recent crop year.
While this leaf is mostly used to make your own chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco blends, snuff, snus, and even in cigarette blends. This leaf is also used as a fronto or ceremonial tobacco leaf.
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