Leaf Only - Wholesale Tobacco Leaf, Tobacco Leaf Services, Bulk Tobacco, Raw Tobacco, Tobacco Services

Wholesale CT Premium Shade Wrapper (19 inch) Tobacco Leaf

Our CT Shade Leaf has a great earth brown / tan color, and is velvety and thin, which is what is to be expected in high quality Shade Tobacco. Carries a fresh, yet earthy tone musk with a top note of spice.When moistened, it is a very thin and pliable leaf.

Connecticut Shade Cigar Wrapper Tobacco Leaf

Handle with great care, moisten with a sponge as to not damage the leaf. This leaf is small veined, so there is no need to roll out. As a wrapper: What a delight! Mellow, but firm as a top note. Loud, yet distinct in its presence. Light when first lit, getting bolder with each puff. This medium sized premium Connecticut Shade Leaf is something that is not easily found for retail purchasing. Enjoy this wonderful cigar wrapper while it lasts!

Base Pricing for New Accounts

Qty / LBSPrice
10-19 $75.00
20-49 $73.00
50-99 $70.00
100-199 $65.00
200-499 $62.00
500-999 $60.00

New customers, please contact us to verify your account and unlock additional wholesale pricing options.

For verified customers, please contact your account rep for your current pricing.

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Middletown, CT 06457
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(860) 704-0646
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